The Revolutionary War Map Program scheduled for Sunday, February 16th has been canceled.

The library will be closed Monday, February 17th.

Ruth Keeler Memorial Library





Local residents are invited to submit applications to hang their work on our gallery wall. Exhibits hang for one month and the artist is responsible for hanging and taking down their works, publicity, and hosting a reception should they desire. Artists should contact the library to arrange for an exhibit.

Exhibits and displays in the library shall reflect the library’s role as an educational and cultural institution. The library reserves the right to cancel any exhibit or display at any time.

  1. The scheduling of exhibits and/or displays is the sole responsibility of the library and its staff. The selection and arrangement of the exhibit and/or display may be subject to the approval of the library and/or its designee.
  2. Any individual, group, or organization may apply to place an exhibit or display in the library to benefit the residents of the community and patrons of the library.
  3. An application is required for all exhibits and/or displays and is subject to the same terms and conditions as set forth for the use of the library’s public spaces.
  4. Individuals and/or organizations are responsible for hanging their displays.
  5. The hanging of all displays must be approved by the director before installation.
  6. Nothing is to be mounted or attached to any other wall, cabinet, furniture, windows, doors, etc. of the Library without the express written approval of the director.
  7. Exhibits shall be hung and removed by the dates and times specified on the application form. Failure to comply with such time frames may result in the removal of the display by the library staff. The library assumes no responsibility for the items at any time.
  8. The library does not provide any specific insurance for any display or exhibit items nor items in their care, custody, and control.
  9. The sale of art or other items on exhibit or display at the library by residents, groups, organizations, and/or artists is subject to a commission to the library of 20%. Such commission may be waived or reduced in the event the sale benefits another non-profit or not-for-profit organization. Such waiver or reduction is at the sole discretion of the library or its designee.

Due to the increased cost of insurance, the Ruth Keeler Memorial Library is no longer able to provide insurance coverage for temporary exhibits. Therefore, the library now requires that each exhibitor sign a Waiver/Release form, releasing the library of liability for any damage, loss, theft, or other injuries. Each exhibitor should also obtain, or check whether his or her existing insurance already provides, whatever insurance protection they feels is appropriate. Please note: The sale of art on exhibit is subject to a commission to the Library of 20%.

– Ruth Keeler 1908-2003, Portrait by H. Winfield Scott, Donated by Les and Libby Sherrill

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– Paintings by the Young Artists of the North Salem Nursery School